04 October, 2011


Great work by Jan Schottler, great idea for Morpho-Typo!

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/28000298?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/28000298">The CombineBox</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user7872154">Jan Schoettler</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

02 October, 2011

New start…hopefully for the better!

Its a start of a new term,London's warm and cosy,there is pipping hot chocolate on my work desk back to work!
Hopefully this year will be as challenging and equally helpful as the last year!Fresh from my internship at Rediffusion Y & R ,met some brilliant designers,copyrighters and amazingly helpful peers, you guys totally rock!
Hope to see more followers(On your knees!..I'm kiddin of course!) better designs,interesting type,cross college bonding, more DSC and better ME.

14 June, 2011

Jiaorong Lu

I came across some interesting typography by Jiaorong Lu whose currently based in New York.
The work is really worth a visit!This particular piece titled Instant is very fascinating especially because it gives a sense of "transiency"<does that word really exist?>

Another project undertaken is called "Closet Fashion" which chronicles her clothes around the year/seasons.Beautiful use of print media and typography and some clever optical illusions as well

24 May, 2011

Portobello Market

A sudden brainwave and lack of anything more exciting drove me to Portobello Market which was quiet interesting.

I made in just on time to enjoy the very famous George's Fish and Chips and found some very interesting artefacts and inspiration for my Major Project.

A very interesting shop Graffik-London a must visit for all artists and anyone looking to get an ear pierced for £15!

Too lazy.Too long

Its been terribly long since I'v posted and I realised how important it is for a designer who is as forgetful as me to document my process and places I'v been to!
So here's a try to a good start, I visited an exhibition in Central Saint Martin's on Islamic art and here are some interesting works.

This particular illustration is quiet nice because for one its hand drawn and second it can be easily reproduced as a continuous pattern.

I seem to be attracted to typography irrespective of the language!

Another illustration which has reproduced using the Alchemy software.

Brand You Project

 For my second work based learning project I choose The Company-London's Brand You Project.
It was four weeks of self evaluation which initially I thought I was gettin nowhere, until I actually put my head into it and took it seriously.
The project was all about YOU,what you like,love,hate,what you do?why you do what you do!

It was a self-discovering/understanding project so close to you that during after our group presentations you felt like you really knew that person
Alex and Chris were wonderful and very hellpful with their suggestions and takes on my ideas.I would especially like to thank Alex for introducing me to Gridnik(my later post is about it)
So we had to Brand Ourselves and I decided I'm most proud of my name and so decided to brand myself and came up with a set of self promotional typographic postcards,business cards and a short film about ME!
Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I enjoyed Making it!

PS:Special thanks to Shyam, Rich and Adi for helping me and burning the midnight oil with me! 

07 March, 2011


Keeping time....keeping it in a frame is the main task.This term's VCT demands us to produce a timeframe in a format that is legible and in an aesthetic way.Its been a great few classes by Ian, starting with the making a mock timeframe to get a hang of what we should be doing.
Some interesting designs and ideas were making the rounds,this is what we came up with to distinguish the various collages we looked at in our class, which ranged from work from 1910's to 1980's covering three art movements:cubist, dadaism and futuristic movement.

Screen Printing

The workshops have have begun yet again and I'v been waiting to go for this one for quiet awhile now.I tried my hand at screen printing at our Print Studio at LCC.Again a must attend workshop for all design students and the kind of work that comes out from the studio is plain beautiful!(Read through my previous In and around LCC)
There is nothing like wet paint all over to get those creative juices flowing!

I used my newly acquired skills to whip up a couple of "hey" cards (that's what I like to call them) which was quiet a hit!


These five weeks went quiet well and this is what I produced for my college assessment

How much wood would a wood cutter cut if a wood cutter would have to cut wood!

Today's session with Andrew Craig was well amzingly tiring.Etching well is not an easy task for starters but the final print was beautiful and quiet worth the labour and numb fingers for the next few days!

I think all must sign in if you'll do get a chance to for their workshops and support the Studio as well.

The dragonfly (artwork transferred onto the wood)

John Maeda-Interactive calendars

I stumbled across this site when I was trying to design a calendar for myself.John Maeda an MIT graduate who for some odd reason likes to code complex Java applets to achieve optical illusions and (in his own words) "of no particular practical use"  calendars.
Its amazing and totally worth a visit, I bet you'd click the 'next' button to see his next animation,however pointless.


Screen shots (I couldn't embed the the source file!)

Job Hunt

PPD session with Joshua got me thinking of places I would want to work, which got me thinking on WHY I wanted to work in these places in the first place!So I started looking at what I wanted out of these places
1.Work experience
2.Learning new techniques
3.Teching what i know!
4.Skill exchange/Cultural exchange programme thingie
5.Maybe just maybe...earn a few extra bucks!

30 January, 2011

WalterNewbury-Tryst with the printers

My flatmate wanted his dissertation printed and bound, so we set out hunting for presses in London that would get the job done at prices friendly to the student pocket.Surprisingly we found this quaint printing press called Walter Newbury Partners Ltd(http://www.walternewbury.co.uk). established nearly 116 years ago printing materials for the government and the Queen Mother herself!
Situated on Grangewood Street,with very friendly staff.Who even let us watch the entire process and gave us an informative tour of the process,a special thanks to handsome Glen and the very well informed Gary.

The Prazimark which is an automated machine that imprints the gold lettering on the cover and spine was what fascinated me.Gary told us that initially when he had to set the font and gold foil the letters by hand it would take him hours but after mechanising the process it took only a few minutes,there are apparently only three in London and Walter Newbury Partners Ltd owns one of them!Cheers guys keep up the good work!The pictures are courtesy my friends Venky and Vibha, thanks guys!

22 January, 2011

ISTD-Project Brief

Its been a long and quiet an enjoyable holiday and hardly any blog entries.I'v started this new year with weird mixed feelings ranging from excitement to pure blankness.Dreading the day of attending college actually turned out to be quiet enjoyable.Loved the smell of the coffee beans that hit me,the exhibit that invited me and the brief that excited(s) me.Hoping to make up for lost time in the library this year.
This is the brief of the project we are undertaking this term for ISTD